

in Iran

Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Iran is a private, non-governmental, non-profit charitable organization where physically handicapped, elderly and MS patients with limited or no family and/or financial support are cared for free of charge. In 1971, the late Dr. Mohammad Reza Hakimzadeh founded Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Iran in a small dilapidated house in the outskirts of Tehran in Kahrizak Village. This institution began with one patient and one room and has now grown to a one of a kind 1,750 bed facility. Currently, Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Iran is run by a volunteer 7 member board of directors that is overseen by a 15 member board of trustees. The managing director is in charge of the day-to-day work of the organization. Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Iran is now a city within a city. Patients are cared for in a very personal and dignified manner in modern, pristine and spacious units set in beautiful surroundings. The Ladies Charitable Society founded by Ms. Ashraf Bahadorzadeh Ghandehari has been an integral part of this foundation since 1972. It provides Kahrizak Charity Foundation with much needed support and guidance in addition to mobilizing a large group of volunteers and fundraising events in Iran and abroad. The work of 750 volunteer members of the LCS in Iran includes instruction, administrative duties and personal daily care of patients such as feeding, bathing and hygiene. Kahrizak Charity Foundation’s main facility covers 101 acres with 1.4 million square feet of constructed space. Patients are housed in 24 separate wards based on gender, age and type of disability. Upon arrival, patients are first received in the quarantine ward where their needs are assessed and subsequently assigned to a specific ward for treatment and care. Various educational classes and workshops offer patients literacy and vocational skills. The staff of Kahrizak Charity Foundation in Iran consists of 1,500 paid staff including nurses, doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, pharmacists and other professionals as well as volunteers who’s work is to maintaining a high standard of care. The main focus of their work is motivating, enabling and empowering patients to achieve independence with dignity.

Kahrizak Iran

Their motto is:

“We can fly with broken wings”


List of Facilities

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Main Sanatorium (Tehran)

  • Rehabilitation ward with more than 40 workshops serving more than 350 patients each day
  • Auxiliary wards: physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, occupational therapy, audiometry
  • Sport complex with more than 10 sport fields (Trained disabled athletes have achieved national, Asian & international medals)
  • 45 specially constructed residential units for couples
  • Cultural centre for music, drama & art
  • MS ward
  • 24 wards
  • Quarantine
  • Library
  • Museum
  • Childcare

Alborz Sanatorium (Karaj)

  • 1,600 bed capacity for the elderly, disabled children & youth (ages 1 to 14)
  • 6 buildings including recreational, sport & cultural centres
  • Health & rehabilitation through homecare, daycare & day visits
  • Assisted living facility for more independent living for the elderly

Javadolaemeh Clinic (Tehran)

  • 24-hour walk-in clinic located in a disadvantaged neighborhood
  • 48 beds, 3 operating rooms
  • Specialized clinics & diagnostic labs
  • Occupational therapy, counseling & addiction treatment
  • Open to the general public